Swerve took a trip to Hamden, Connecticut to visit our good friends and fellow Network Church, Frontline! We had a great time just spending some time together, having fun in the pool and eating out. We used this trip as an opportunity to get to know each other more, but also as a spiritual investment as we spent time in God's Word and in prayer. Sunday we were able to help set up church since Frontline meets at Hamden Middle School.
I was so happy to catch up with some great friends. After, Elly invited us over to enjoy the most delicious home-cooked meal that you could ever have! I'm so thankful to have people like this that truly care, love and believe in what we're doing here in Bushwick. God has really placed around some amazing people providing incredible encouragement and support. Be sure to keep Pastor Rick and the team at Frontline in prayer as they are doing a great work in Hamden leading people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus. I'm so proud to call them friends! Whoever finds God, finds life! |
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January 2019