STAY IN YOUR PLACE Probably the biggest take away from this weekend was the actual teaching by Christine Caine who challenged us to stay in the place God has us. You can watch it here. God has us where we are for a purpose. She used the passage in the New Testament where Paul describes the church to a body. Here's my favorite verse from that passage. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, {1 Corinthians 12:21-22} It's so easy to look at where we are currently and desire for what we may think is bigger, better and more significant. The truth is that you are special and were specifically placed where you are by God to make a difference and serve the church. You are indispensable!
Honestly, there is so much more to include about the wonder people at LifeChurch Albany but it can not all fit in one blog post. I have infinite gratitude for Christina, Erin, Rob, Ryan and everyone else who believes in us. Thank you guys for investing in us!
Halloween is a great time to be up and about in the community. Tons of people are around trick-or-treating. This year, we will be setting up by Maria Hernandez Park giving away free candy to children in the community. Along with the free candy, we will be offering the opportunity to get your picture taken absolutely free as well! So come out in your Halloween costume and get your photo taken! Pictures will be posted on to the Serve Church Facebook page where you can share, tag, and like. You can also save it right on to your computer or phone. You can help make it a success by letting everyone you know about the free candy and pictures. It's all taking place on Friday, October 31st at 6 pm by Maria Hernandez Park in Bushwick Brooklyn. Swerve Church is a new Church Plant coming to the community of Bushwick in Brooklyn. Our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus. We're committed to the capital "C" church because we know we can do infinitely more together than apart. We will do anything short of sin to reach people far from God because to reach people that no one is reaching, we need to do things that no one is doing. We are a part of
Swerve Church is a new Church Plant coming to the community of Bushwick in Brooklyn. Our mission is to lead people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus. We're committed to the capital "C" church because we know we can do infinitely more together than apart. We will do anything short of sin to reach people far from God because to reach people that no one is reaching, we need to do things that no one is doing. We are a part of
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January 2019