Ho! Ho! Ho! It's the most wonderful time of the year! Well...not quite yet! But we want to gear up and get ready for Operation Christmas Child. This is a great opportunity where we can make an impact in a child's life halfway around the world! So get your shoebox ready, make a list, and check it twice! Here's your chance to giveback globally!
For more info check out our OCC Page.
My wife and I were able to fly down to OKC for the Network Summit at LifeChurch.tv. Below you can catch a video recap of everything that went down. Over the next few week we will share a few of the notes that were taken from some of the sessions at the Summit. We really hope that it inspires you! To the Swerve Church team, I hope that in the near future you will be able to take the flight with us to the next Summit so that we can learn and be inspired together. BOBBY GRUENEWALD
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January 2019